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Links to Learning

Nature is the most amazing classroom. Being outside at the beach provides a stimulating environment and endless opportunities for creativity, discovery, risk taking and problem solving. Whether you have an Early Years Group, Primary or Secondary, our child led sessions can be tailored to the current curriculum or learning topics, please see below for examples.

Beach School Curriculum Links - Science


Habitats and food chains

Identifying different materials and what they are made from

Observing and describing the weather, moon and tides

Exploring impacts on the environment

Gathering, classifying and recording data

How animals and plants adapt to the environment


Beach School Curriculum Links - Maths


Collecting and sorting different materials

Interpreting and presenting data

Outdoor maths games

Size and weights of materials


Using the beach as a stimulus for creative writing

Listening and responding to adults and peers

Communicating, presenting findings and ideas



Beach School East Sussex - English


Studying the physical features of the local environment

Moon, earth and tidal patterns

Treasure maps and scavenger hunts

Beach cleans 

Marine litter - natural or manmade


Beach School Curriculum Links - Geography
Beach School Curriculum Links - History


History of the local area

Fossils and how they got there

How has the local environment changes over time, what causes this



Beach School Curriculum Links - Art & Design

Art & Design

Building structures and shelters

Sketching and painting

Using clay

Designing and making kites, jewellery, mobiles and mosaics from natural materials







Discussing boundaries and learning how to keep safe

Assessing and taking risks in a safe environment

Supporting peers

Debating environmental issues and learning how to respect the environment


Beach School Curriculum Links - PHSE

Drama, PE & Music



Listening to the sounds around us

Making musical instruments with natural materials


Beach School Curriculum Links - Drama, PE and Music
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