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FAQ's & Information

If you have any questions that are not listed below, please do contact us.

What does my child need to wear? Children need to come dressed in clothes that you don't mind getting dirty, sandy etc. Spare socks are advisable as well as sturdy shoes such as walking boots or wellies. Sunscreen and hats are needed in warm weather (please apply sunscreen before the session). Waterproofs are advisable in wet conditions.

Do you cancel if the weather is bad? We aim to go ahead in all weather except if persistent heavy rain is forecast or winds over 30mph. If we do have to cancel, you will receive a full refund.

If I cancel a place, do we receive a refund? If you cancel with 24 hours, a full refund will be given. Within 24 hours, no refund is due, however we do try to be as flexible as possible.

Are you insured? Yes, we have full insurance in place for working with children at the beach which also covers all staff. All staff are also DBS checked and hold the relevant Level 3 Wild Beach Leader Certificates. Volunteers may not hold the Wild Beach qualification, but are DBS checked. At least one staff member running the session also holds an Outdoor First Aid qualification. If you require a copy of any certificates, please contact us at

Do you have a First Aid Policy? Yes, at Beach School East Sussex we always have at least one First Aider on site who holds the two day, 16 hour Outdoor First Aid Certificate. 1. A first aid kit is kept in a sealed bag in the equipment bag at all times and is checked/topped up before the start of each session. 2. The first aid kit will conform to current health and safety regulations and will not contain tablets or ointments. 3. All items will be replenished when used. 4. Only first aiders are allowed the administer first aid in the first instance. 5. In case of an emergency accident use the beach school leader mobile telephone to contact emergency services and child’s parent/carer. 6. All accidents must be reported to the leader and recorded in the accident book. Details such as name, exact time, nature of accident and action taken are recorded. 7. Parents will be informed via a First Aid Report and a verbal conversation upon collection and a phone call at the time of the incident, depending on the serverity. 8. Staff accidents must be recorded on an accident form reported to the Beach School leader. 9. Staff and child information to include emergency contacts in case of illness or accident. 10. Disposable gloves are to be worn when dealing with the spillage of any bodily fluids. 11. The spillage of bodily fluids is to be cleaned up using disposable paper towels and the affected areas should be cleaned with an antibacterial solution. All contaminated waste must be sealed in a plastic bag and disposed of immediately. 12. Medical details must be noted on the child’s registration form. Staff should be aware of them and also of any known allergies a child may have. 13. A record of any existing injuries will be made and signed by parent/carer. 14. Registration forms to include consent to gain permission for Emergency treatment by a qualified First Aider and to include emergency telephone numbers. 15. Risk assessments to be made before each session and beach assessed by the main leader to remove any unwanted items/rubbish/dog mess.

Do you have a Safegaurding Policy and who is responsible for this? Harriet Holmes is responsible for safeguarding and holds levels 1-3. Introduction: This policy outlines the procedures and measures in place to ensure the safety and well-being of children participating in activities on the beach. It applies to all staff and volunteers. Aims: To provide a safe environment for children on the beach. To protect children from harm, abuse, and neglect. To ensure staff and volunteers understand their responsibilities in safeguarding children. To promote best practices in safeguarding. Definitions: Child: Anyone under the age of 18. Safeguarding: Actions taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Staff: Any individual working with children, including employees, volunteers, and contractors. Policy Statement: We are committed to safeguarding the children in our care. We recognise our responsibility to promote safe practices and to protect children from harm, abuse, and exploitation. Code of Conduct: All staff and volunteers must: Treat all children with respect and dignity. Always act in a professional manner. Ensure that interactions with children are appropriate and safe. Avoid being alone with a child in an isolated area. Refrain from any form of physical punishment or inappropriate physical contact. Report any concerns about a child’s safety or welfare to the designated safeguarding officer. Risk Assessment: Before any beach activity, a thorough risk assessment must be conducted to identify potential hazards and implement measures to mitigate risks. This includes: Assessing weather conditions and tides. Checking for dangerous objects or areas on the beach. Ensuring there is adequate supervision based on the number and age of children. Having a plan for emergency situations, including a designated meeting point. Supervision: Supervisors must have clear visibility and control of children at all times. Regular headcounts should be conducted. Communication: Ensure parents/guardians are informed of the activities, including potential risks and safety measures. Obtain written consent from parents/guardians for children to participate. Provide parents/guardians with a contact number for the designated safeguarding officer. Health and Safety Ensure a first aid kit is available and easily accessible. Have a mobile phone available for emergency contact. Ensure children are wearing appropriate clothing and sunscreen. Provide drinking water and encourage regular hydration. Reporting Concerns Any concerns about a child’s welfare must be reported to the designated safeguarding officer immediately. The designated safeguarding officer is responsible for liaising with local authorities and following up on reported concerns. All concerns and actions taken must be documented. Designated Safeguarding Officer Name: Harriet Holmes Contact Information: 07933761389 The designated safeguarding officer is responsible for: Overseeing the implementation of this policy. Providing support and guidance to staff and volunteers. Handling all safeguarding concerns and reports. Monitoring and Review This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and up-to-date with legal requirements and best practices. Feedback from staff, volunteers, and children will be considered in the review process. Conclusion The safety and well-being of children are our top priorities. By following this safeguarding policy, we aim to create a safe and enjoyable environment for all participants in our beach activities Updated May 2024.

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